We’ve partnered with Affirm to offer easy monthly payments on our guitars. Best of all, there are never any late fees. Just select Affirm at checkout.
Flexible plans starting at 0% APR, so you can pay at your own pace.
Complete a quick application for a real-time decision that won’t affect your credit score.
Know what you’ll owe up front, with no hidden costs or surprises at any point.
Your rate will be 0% APR or 10–30% APR based on credit, and is subject to an eligibility check. For example, a $395 Orangewood purchase might cost $34.76/month over 12 months at 10% APR. Estimated payment amount excludes taxes and shipping fees. Offer subject to change at any time. Paid interest is non-refundable. Previous purchases are ineligible. Options depend on your purchase amount, and a down payment may be required. For purchases under $100, limited payment options are available. Payment options through Affirm are provided by these lending partners: affirm.com/lenders. See www.affirm.com/faqs for details.